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 Portland Publishing Buyers please direct your requests to:
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About Us
Portland Publishing was formed to not only publish The Bridge To The 21st Century and future works by Cary Coole, but to also seek out and publish works from other authors—novice or professional—both fiction and non-fiction; particularly works that deal with the America of the past and how that may impact the future.
Publications and small press publishers have expanded dramatically during the past ten or twelve years. After all, isn't this the "information age"? The world is growing smaller-and as a result, the wealth of information is growing greater; like a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business, a small world communicates more!
New cables of communication are being installed. Access is easier and quicker. Much of this advancement has been accomplished, not only by the small publisher and organizations such as Publishers Marketing Association (PMA) and Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN), but also by independent booksellers. It is exciting to be part of the information age!
Publishers Marketing Association (PMA)
Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN)
Association of Authors & Publishers - Houston |